React Food Order


The Food Order App is a simple yet functional React-based project I developed to practice and enhance my skills in React hooks, state management, and component-based architecture. This project focuses on providing a seamless and interactive user experience while exploring core React features.

Project Goals

The primary goal of this project was to:

  • 🍔 Practice React Features: Gain hands-on experience with hooks like useState, useEffect, and useReducer.
  • 💻 Build a Functional App: Implement a simple and interactive food ordering process.
  • 🎨 Enhance UI Skills: Design a clean and user-friendly interface.

Tech Stack

I built the Food Order App using:

  • Frontend: React.js for creating a dynamic and interactive user interface.
  • Styling: CSS for designing a responsive and visually appealing layout.
  • State Management: React hooks (useState and useReducer) for managing component state.


Food Ordering System

  • Menu Display: Shows a list of available food items with descriptions and prices.
  • Add to Cart: Users can add items to a virtual cart and update quantities.
  • Cart Summary: Displays the total items in the cart and calculates the total cost dynamically.

React Features Explored

  • State Management: Managed the cart and item quantities using useState and useReducer.
  • Lifecycle Management: Used useEffect to implement dynamic updates based on user interactions.
  • Component Reusability: Designed reusable components for items, cart, and buttons.

Responsive Design

  • Optimized for mobile and desktop views, ensuring a smooth user experience across devices.


  • State Synchronization: Managing the cart state efficiently while maintaining a smooth user experience.
  • Dynamic Rendering: Updating the UI dynamically based on user actions without unnecessary re-renders.
  • Styling: Ensuring consistency in design across different screen sizes.

Learning and Takeaways

This project was a great opportunity to deepen my understanding of React. Key learnings include:

  • Implementing React hooks effectively for state and lifecycle management.
  • Designing reusable and modular components for better code organization.
  • Gaining practical experience in building a simple, functional app from scratch.

The Food Order App served as a hands-on practice project, allowing me to refine my React development skills and build a strong foundation for more advanced projects