Automated Irrigation System


The Automated Irrigation System is a project I developed to optimize water usage in agricultural fields by automating irrigation processes. Combining hardware components like the DHT22 sensor, Arduino board, and MOSFET with a robust web-based interface built using Python Django and PostgreSQL, this project enables efficient and real-time irrigation management.

Project Goals

The primary goal of this project was to design and develop a system that:

  • 🌱 Automates Irrigation: Based on real-time environmental data, automatically waters crops as needed.
  • 💻 Provides a User Interface: Offers a dashboard for farmers to monitor and control irrigation activities remotely.
  • 💧 Optimizes Water Usage: Ensures precise and efficient water delivery to reduce waste and improve crop yield.

Tech Stack

I built the Automated Irrigation System using:

  • Frontend: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the user interface.
  • Backend: Python Django for handling logic, APIs, and communication with the hardware.
  • Database: PostgreSQL for storing sensor data, user configurations, and irrigation logs.
  • Hardware:


Automated Irrigation Control

  • Real-Time Monitoring: Collects temperature and humidity data from the DHT22 sensor.
  • Dynamic Watering: Automatically triggers the irrigation system based on predefined thresholds.

User Dashboard

  • Sensor Data Visualization: Displays real-time and historical data for temperature, humidity, and irrigation cycles.
  • Manual Override: Allows users to start or stop irrigation manually via the web interface.
  • Configurable Settings: Users can set thresholds for temperature and humidity levels to customize irrigation triggers.

Data Logging

  • Stores historical data in PostgreSQL for analysis and optimization of irrigation patterns.
  • Enables users to view logs of past irrigation activities.

Integration with Hardware

  • Arduino communicates with Django through serial communication, ensuring seamless interaction between the hardware and software components.


  • Hardware Integration: Setting up seamless communication between the DHT22 sensor, Arduino, and the Django backend.
  • Real-Time Data Handling: Managing the flow of real-time sensor data to the web interface without delays.
  • Database Optimization: Efficiently storing and retrieving large volumes of environmental and irrigation data.

Learning and Takeaways

This project was an excellent opportunity to integrate hardware and software for a real-world application. Key takeaways include:

  • Gaining hands-on experience in hardware-software integration with Arduino and sensors.
  • Building a scalable web interface using Python Django for real-time monitoring and control.
  • Understanding database optimization techniques with PostgreSQL for efficient data storage and retrieval.
  • Enhancing my knowledge of IoT and its applications in agriculture.

The Automated Irrigation System reflects my ability to design innovative solutions that combine technology and practicality to address real-world challenges.